Praise to You, O Prince of Peace, for You are the foundation of my faith and life. By Your death and resurrection, You have become my security and safe harbor in whom I find rest. I know that as Your servant, I must learn to listen when You speak … obey Your commands … turn away from sin … build my life upon the solid Rock of Your loving sacrifice … and, surrender myself to Your control and guidance. Through Your suffering, I’ve been given a new life and new hope. In Your power, all things were created … and, in Your power, I have been created. Through an infusion of Your wisdom, I have a greater understanding of who I am and in whom I must place my trust. You are the anchor of my soul … the solid ground on which I stand … and, my eternal security. O Precious Savior, whose robe has been colored by Your blood and whose crown is Your triumph over death, help me live a loving and sacrificial life of faithfulness and truth as You did.
I am abundantly blessed because my sins and transgressions are forgiven and the stains of my sins have been blotted out. I am now able to walk in the freedom You earned for me on Calvary. I know that when I am at my weakest, You are there to deliver me from temptation. As I keep my eyes fixed on You and Your Word, I know that I can resist the forces of evil and reap an overflowing harvest of goodness and mercy. My hope is that others will see how blessed I am and wonder why. Then I can speak to them about Your love and the unmerited favor that I receive freely from You. I know that my life will have its share of bumps and bruises, but my walk with You, who remains faithful and true, has consistently been my best path forward. I am very thankful for all of the time and effort You’ve put into helping me correct the way that I live and the way that I think. Help me stay true to You and continue in Your footsteps.
I rejoice, at all times, because of Your redemptive power that has saved me through grace and delivered me from the powers of darkness. Help me share the richness of this truth with everyone I come into contact with so that they too may reap the benefits of belonging to You. As I decrease and You increase, it will become evident in … the radiance of my life lived in Your grace … the good choices I am able to make … and, the good favor that surrounds me. Help me always praise You, even when I am going through tough times, knowing that when I have endured … everything will work out for my good. I believe that in all things, whether I recognize them or not, my life is filled with an abundance of good because of Your sacrifice on my behalf. I am convinced that, as I continue to hold You in high esteem and live a life worthy of Your calling, the road I travel will be smoother and easier than I ever believed. Through Your suffering and death, You have shown Yourself to be faithful and true … that is why I have chosen You to be my God. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Revelation 19:11 I saw Heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True.