Blessings and honor I offer You, My King, for Your continual allegiance and devotion to me. When I am strong, it is because of Your unwavering support and my growing confidence that comes from knowing that You stand by me at all times. And, when I am weak, it is Your steadfast help and strong right arm that delivers and upholds me. Your love reaches down from Heaven and Your faithfulness surrounds me like a fortress. As Your child, You bestow me with favor and honor … bless me with physical and spiritual gifts … and, smile appreciatively when I walk blamelessly before You. I am confident in Your assurance that You will fulfill Your promises and execute judgment against those who try to do me harm. I know that as I toil here on the earth, You will instruct me on what I should do to walk uprightly … and You will be my ever ready counsel who keeps a perpetual watch over me.
Because of Your faithfulness, I know I can count on You to provide me with the love and strength I need to be an overcomer. I feel Your love with me at all times and You are a reliable source of supply for all of my needs. When men fail me, I know I can count on You. You are trustworthy and dependable when I have a problem that needs to be solved or an obstacle that needs to be removed from my life. You are my mountain top fortress when danger approaches and You fill my pantry when it gets low. Whenever temptations try to overwhelm me, You provide a way of escape. I never feel alone when I keep our lines of communication open and I spend time at Your feet learning more about Your ways. Your loyalty to me compels me to be loyal to You. You are reliable and dependable when I make requests of You and I should do the same when You make requests of me. In the same way I count on You, You should be able to count on me.
You have made an everlasting covenant with me to remain active and involved in my life. You inspire me, through faith, to revere You and submit to Your power and leadership. You have promised, if I sin, You will never turn away from me but, instead, show me the way to repentance and how to flee from evil. Through my new birth, You are committed to rescue me from harm … care for my needs … and, uphold me when I begin to wither under the pressures of my daily trials. You are my constant companion who watches over me with caring concern. My reward resides with You and my recompense is in Your hands. Ever faithful God, I need You in my life to guide me in paths of righteousness and show me the way into the depths of Your heart. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 89:1 I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make Your faithfulness known to all generations.