Faithful In All Your Ways

My Beloved Savior, I am touched by Your words, uttered as You passed from life to death, when You said “Father, into Your hands I commend My spirit.”  What loving trust You must have felt toward Your Father knowing He would be waiting for Your return to Your rightful place at His side.  Because of Your labors, I too now have the blessed assurance that I will be able to share Paradise with You.  I now understand how much You love me and how dedicated You are to my success … and that of all Your people.  I know that if I commit my ways to You and trust that the promises You’ve made are true, then I will see the desires of my heart come to pass.  When trials and difficulties enter my life, hide me in Your heart so I can find a place of rest and protection.  And, even though You’ve left the earth for Your Heavenly home, I will not fear because You’ve promised me that You will never leave or forsake me.   

Because of Your steadfast love, I will proclaim Your faithfulness to everyone I meet.  My hope is that my message will inspire others to know, love and serve You so that they can also reap the benefits of becoming a joint heir with You.  As a result of Your faithfulness to me in both good and bad times, my heart rejoices and I strive to live a life dedicated to Your service.  In Your promise to care for me, You’ve given me the power of the Holy Spirit to resist the Devil and cause him to flee.  You’ve given me the means to overcome sickness and disease through the stripes You bore in Your body.  You’ve turned my sadness and sorrow into joy.  You’ve assured me that all of my needs will be met.  And, You’ve promised to help me hold up under the weight of trials and tribulations.  For all these reasons, I give thanks for Your faithfulness … which I now know is unending.

You explained the overcoming power that gives me life when You said “For as in Adam all die so, in Me, all will be made alive.”  In Your death and resurrection, You proved Your fidelity and love by saving me from my fleshly weaknesses and the shackles of sin and death.  In Your compassion and faithfulness, You have closed the doors of Hell and opened wide the gates to Paradise.  By Your life, You have provided me with an example of how to live sacrificially for others.  And, in departing the earth, knowing You would no longer walk among men, You consoled me by saying “it is good thing that I go so that another One equipped to meet your needs can be sent to teach, strengthen and guide you.”  Your provision for a Helper proved Your commitment to do everything possible to help me succeed.  I am confident in knowing that You are faithful in all Your ways and vested in my future.  And it’s in Jesus’ I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalms 40:10 I do not hide Your righteousness in my heart; I speak of Your faithfulness and salvation.

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