Most Loving Lord, I rejoice in discovering that You are the bread of God who has come down from heaven and gives life to the world. You’ve promised me that, if I come to You, I will never go hungry nor will I ever thirst. You have made it clear to me that You did not come to do Your own will, but the will of Him who sent You. You further explained that Your Father’s will is that everyone who looks to You and believes in You will have eternal life. This makes clear to me that, if I put my faith in You, I will be raised up from my physical death into life with You forever. It is God, not man, who plays the key role in my salvation. When I made the decision to give my life to You, it is under the urging of the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit who makes the call and it’s up to me to respond. Therefore, I cannot come to You without some help.
You have declared Yourself to be the Bread of Life … the Bread that comes down from Heaven … if anyone eats of this Bread he will live … and, this Bread is Your flesh given up for the life of the world. You explained that unless I eat Your flesh and drink Your blood, I will have no life in me. However, if I eat Your flesh and drink Your blood, You will raise me up on the last day. You assure me that when I receive communion worthily, I will remain in You and You will remain in me. To receive Your body in the bread means I accept You as a vital part of my life and I become united with You in Oneness. Your body feeds my spirit so I can grow into Your likeness. The drinking of Your blood in the wine means I accept Your life as my own. As I nourish myself with Your body and blood, I am able to live because I accept the life You promised. When I give myself to You, truth is revealed to me so I can respond to it.
At the Last Supper, You took the bread, gave thanks and broke it saying … “This is my body given up for You, do this in remembrance of me.” And taking the cup, You said … “This is the cup of the new covenant in my blood which is poured out for You.” Each time I partake of communion, I am to reflect on how much suffering You endured to set me free from sin, death and provide a passage for me to Heaven. You also do not want me to forget the kindred relationship that we share through communion. Each time I receive Your body and blood, I am to recall how much You mean to me and how much I need You in my life. In the same way that the Passover was a celebration of the deliverance of Your people from Egypt, so does communion celebrate my deliverance and union with You. The partaking of Your flesh and blood is vital to my faith and Your presence in my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Corinthians 11:26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes again.