Following After You

Most Gracious Lord, following after You has never been, nor do I believe ever will be, easy.  With the winds of self, pride and lust blowing me off course, it takes me a while to realize I’ve gone astray.  Sometimes moving in a direction that is contrary to Your will feels like I have the wind at my back … while navigating the course You would have me travel feels like I’m going against the wind.  I often find myself wondering if I will ever get it right.  However, in Your mercy and grace, You are willing to forgive and forget my mistakes in order to give me a chance to start over and try again.  I know that in following You I must be perpetually examining my life to determine if I am in the right frame of mind and spiritually fit for the journey my life is about to take.  The practice of taking a good, hard look at my life on a regular basis is instrumental in keeping my life in line with Your will.

In several places in the Scriptures, You invite me to follow in Your ways.  You’ve made it clear that anyone who does not take up his cross (to follow You) is not worthy of You.  What I must realize is that I have a higher calling than to find prosperity and comfort in this life.  I must never look for excuses to keep me from following You and responding to Your call.  You have said that if I choose to come after You, I must be willing to deny myself.  To follow You requires a true commitment and sacrifice.  In my heart, I must be willing to give up whatever might hinder my walk.  I cannot allow anything to come between me and Your purpose for me.  My efforts cannot be half-hearted or lukewarm.  I cannot pick and choose, from among Your teachings, the ones that will fit into my plans … I must embrace them all.  I must block all external distractions that hinder my living for You.

I believe that You are the light of the world and whoever follows You will never walk in darkness.  In Your light, I know I will find Your presence, protection and guidance.  As a soldier follows the orders of his commander and a slave obeys his master’s commands, so must I follow and obey You.  In the same way I follow the laws of the locale in which I live, so must I follow the laws of Your Kingdom.  Teach me how to become an imitator of Your ways and live as You did.  To be like You, I must flee from worldly ways and pursue things that are pure, holy and true.  My goals are to know You better, be like You and become one with You.  As my knowledge of You grows, it will become easier to lay aside the things which are harmful to my walk and distract me from my witness for You.  I must not let myself become passive … instead, live out my life with “active” faith that obeys You and does what is right.  In so doing, I am sure that I will be able to follow You.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

I Peter 2:21 … Christ suffered for you, leaving us an example, that you should follow in His footsteps.

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