For the Sake of the Kingdom

Holy, Holy, Holy are You, O Lord … for You detest sin and wanted to redeem Your people from theirs.  You have done that in my life by washing away the stains of my sins and making my soul as white as snow.  And then You called out to me and asked “Who shall I send?  Who will go out and tell others about my redeeming grace?  I rejoiced at hearing Your words and I responded excitedly “Here I am Lord … send me.”  For within my heart grows a yearning to help those who hear Your calling but do not comprehend it.  My desire is to assist those who see but cannot grasp the idea of you reaching down from Heaven to enrich their lives.  From my experience, I know that if they open themselves to You, they will see with eyes that see and hear with ears that hear.  Then they will be able to grasp the desire of Your heart to see them converted and begin living their life for You.  O how I want to become an instrument in Your hands … touching the lives of others for good and helping them experience the blessing that comes from walking in Your ways.

Precious Lord, I am striving to grow and mature in my spirituality so I can become more like You … giving rather than receiving … listening rather than speaking … becoming a comforter rather than needing comfort … living joyfully and spreading good cheer rather than being negative and living for myself.  I ask that the Holy Spirit set my life afire and impart Your Wisdom upon me so that I might come alive to You and give wise counsel to those who are burdened or live in confusion.  I ask that You endue me with Your power so I can stand against evil and be a source of strength to those in need.  I never want to judge of my brother … instead, showing him kindness and acceptance.  I want to work with You caring for the sick … feeding and clothing the poor … and becoming a dependable co-laborer.  I will take up Your shield of faith and the sword of the Holy Spirit to fight the Holy War against evil.  As I recognize Your faithfulness to me, I know that I, in turn, will strive to give You mine.

I willingly confess that You are my Savior.  In You, I place my trust.  In You, I have no fear.  For You are my strength and You put joy into my heart.  I bless Your name and sing Your praises because You have been good to me.  My desire is to share Your love with everyone I meet so that they too can come to know You and share in the bounties of Your goodness.  In Your justice, You punish evil and reward the righteous.  Show me how to put on humility so that I can please You and be a good example to my neighbors.  Remove from me my foolish pride so that You do not have to rebuke me for my haughtiness.  I want to take up Your yoke (which is sweet) and its burden (which is light) in order to follow You in paths of righteousness.  Take the little I have to offer and multiply it many times for the sake of Your Kingdom.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all of the world and preach the Good News to all creatures.”

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