I give You glory and honor, My King, for You have been generous in sharing Your abundance with me. I receive encouragement from Your Word as I seek to get Your input in making wise decisions. As I search for Your Wisdom, I gain access to Your secrets and my mind is illuminated in the same way that a candle penetrates the darkness of a darkened room. I look intently for Your truth in the same way that a hunter stalks his prey. Because I’ve built my life on the firm foundation of Your teachings and precepts, I know it will stand against any test I will get. As I have come to know You and Your heart, I have learned to trust You with all aspects of my life. As My Savior and Friend, I can share my deepest thoughts with You and be confident that You will listen and understand what I am trying to tell You. Under the shelter of Your wings, I find safety and rest because You are my Defender in times of trouble.
Because of my devotion to You, I will remain faithful to You in all of my ways. I accept Your truths as my own … keeping them close to my heart … and, allowing them to guide my life. Your encouragement is like nourishment to my body and Your wisdom is like life-giving water to my soul. They sustain me and cause me to lean on You for all of my needs. I know that as my trust in You grows, the hold of my enemies will be broken. Because of my abiding love in You, I am unashamed to proclaim Your name before everyone I meet. When I act foolishly and turn after my own ways, I know I will be cut off from Your love and providential hand. When I do this, help me acknowledge my mistakes and confess them with true contrition so that I can return to You. You have set high standards for me to meet, but they are not more demanding than what I can achieve if I give it my best.
Because You have let me peer into the beauty of Your heart and the purity of Your thoughts, I owe You all of my affection and love. “Because You loved me first” is all I need to know to understand the compassion, commitment and love You feel toward me. In and through Your grace, my ways prosper and my acts of unselfishness do not go unnoticed. I know that You have given me a free will by which to know, love and serve You. To grow, I must spend time with You … nourish myself on Your Word … open my heart to receive instruction … and submit myself to giving service to You and my fellow man. From the beginning, You called me to live in accordance with Your plan … the question is … will I do it? You have laid out before me the choice of life or death … good or evil … blessing or curse … and, whichever I choose will be given to me. As we have drawn closer, I’ve become more thankful for all that You have blessed me with. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Leviticus 26:12 I will walk among you and be Your God, and you will be my people.