Go And Make A Difference

My Blessed Redeemer, as a Follower of Yours, I have been called to go into the world and make known Your Kingdom and invite all to come to it. You have said that I am the salt of the earth, and the world should get a taste of Your love through me. You have said I am filled with Your light, and You are sending me as an overcoming light shining hope into the lives of others. I am to use Your light to open the eyes of those who are blind and live in a world of darkness. I am Your hands reaching out to those who are in need. I represent Your face for all to see. You have called me to be Your voice of peace inviting all to come to You with their burdens. Please use the Holy Spirit to motivate me to make a difference in the world. When You gave me life, You had a mission for me to accomplish for You. I have come to realize that the mission is to bring Your hope to those who have lost their way.

Lord, help me use the time, talents, and resources You have given me to make a difference in the lives of those who have less than I. I want to sow seeds that will cause their lives to reap a harvest of Your love and blessings. Help me guide those who are lost in sin to Your arms of love and forgiveness. If they accept You, they will gain hope and comfort for their journey ahead. As my Redeemer, I want others to know that by Your cross and blood You have gained a victory for them as they give themselves to You. I want them to see and believe that You gave of Yourself for the greatest and the least because You are not a respecter of persons. As my life has been turned upside down for the better since You came into my life, I want others to have their lives turned around. And if they do, I will have made a difference in the world.

Show me how to help others understand that nothing in their lives will change until they allow You to come in to change it. I want them to see that knowing You is all about change. Through You, people who are repentant, can turn aside from sin and walk uprightly. The things of the world which measure success and happiness … money, power, prestige, sex … are nothing when compared to the peace, forgiveness, humility, service, and love that are a part of becoming Yours. What the world offers is like vapors where what You offer is lasting and permanent. To make a difference in the world, I must become more like You. Self must die so You can be recreated in me. By my actions, I want to show others that Your ways are the best ways. As they see my life, I want them to see You. When that happens, I will know that I have made a difference for You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all of creation.”

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