God’s Love Abounds

Most Loving Savior, at the very center of perfect love is selflessness.  When I set aside the things that I treasure the most, in order to do good for You and my neighbor, I am making a choice to love unconditionally like You do.  You showed me the “principle of unselfish giving” when You sacrificed Your life to redeem mine from sin, death and Hell.  As I grow to love You more, so is my trust that You will strengthen me in my weakest moments … give me peace when everything around me is turning into chaos … and, when all seems lost, You offer me a bridge to better times.  I can see Your love in the care and concern You show for my well-being and I feel it as I depend on You to be with me in my toughest times.  I rejoice in the fact that Your goodness, love and awesome power have no limits and You stand ready to intervene in my life whenever I need Your help.

I’m beginning to see more clearly that Your kind of love is directed outward toward others and not inward toward Yourself.  It involves utter selflessness which goes against my human inclinations.  Giving out Your love can only occur when I set aside my own desires in order to give freely expecting nothing in return.  That is why I must be taught patience with others imperfections and what I perceive as a slow learning curve in the same way You are with me … to be kind when others treat me badly … to not get all puffed up with myself knowing that every gift and talent I possess comes from You … and to become less self-seeking so I can be uplifting and giving praise to others who deserve it.  In the same way that Your love protects, trusts, hopes and perseveres in my life, may I bring those same attributes into the lives of my fellow man.  I am confident that as I become more like You I will be able to show Your love to others.

As I awake each morning, I am filled with the assurance of Your love which fills me with joy and gladness throughout my day.  My love for You grows deeper and deeper because You have heard and responded to my prayers and You remain ready to come to my aid.  Too often, I am quick to seek my own needs and desires but Your love nudges me to remember to intercede for others.  I rest in the peace of knowing that You watch over those who love You and will destroy those who seek to do me harm.  You have shown me that there are seasons for all manner of things … a time to love and a time to hate … a time for struggles and a time for rest.  I appreciate the fact that You know what is going on in my life and know exactly when to intervene.  Because of Your abounding love for me, I trust that You will act at just the right time to make my life better.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Psalm 90:14 Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

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