Have mercy on me, O Lord, for Your love is tender and endures forever. Shower me with You compassion so that I do not collapse under the weight of my sins. I know that You see every transgression I commit and each stumble that I make. My sins, while impacting myself and others, is primarily a offense against You. In rebellion and disobedience, I have done evil in Your sight. You know my heart and my intentions and I trust that You will judge me fairly. I acknowledge that sin has been a part of my life since I was born but, regardless of that fact, Your desire has always been to show me a better way. Within me, You’ve place a conscience to discern truth and draw me into Your ways. When I am fallen through failure and sin, guide me back to Yourself. Cleanse me and I will be clean. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow. Send gladness and rejoicing to renew my spirit so that I can start to run my race once again.
Create in me a pure and contrite heart and renew my spirit so that I will want to follow You wherever You might lead. Do not hide Your presence from me not take the Holy Spirit from me. He is my Comforter, Teacher and Guide. He will show me how to walk in Your ways and rejoice in the salvation wrought through Your suffering and death for my sins. Grant unto me a willing spirit to sustain me through my times of trouble and trials. As I become more proficient in walking in Your ways, I will strive to show other transgressors the error of their ways and turn them back toward You.
Save me from my weak flesh, My Lord. I want my ways to become Your ways and my words to become Your words. If You delighted in animal sacrifices, I would bring them to You. If You took pleasure in burnt offerings, I would offer them up to You. But the sacrifice and offering You seek of me is a broken spirit and a broken and contrite heart. In an attitude of repentance and submission, I know You will pour over me the perfect sacrifice of Your blood for the remission of my sins. Then once and for all I will be able to proclaim “The price has been paid … Alleluia, Alleluia!!” In Your loving kindness You have made me whole and sin no longer has power over me. In Your good pleasure and time, You will prosper me and build me up into a tower of holiness. Help me offer to You righteous gifts of good deeds done unto others, unselfish service to Your Kingdom and undying love for You, My Creator and King. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalms 106:1 Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; His mercy endures forever.