My Righteous Lord, You love those who are pure of heart and have committed themselves to You. What I do not understand is why the arrogant and wicked seem to prosper. They appear on the outside to have no struggles … are healthy … and are influential. They seem to be free from the burdens and circumstances which I must endure. They are not plagued with the problems I face. They wear pride like a designer outfit and surround themselves with evil people and desires. The evil conceit of their mind knows no limit. They scoff and speak of You with malice and contempt. Their mouth spews forth lies like lava from a volcano. They claim to be Christians, but You are far from their heart. Power and pride are their “true” gods. Those who become ensnared by their ways become sheep led to the slaughter. The wicked always seem to be carefree and are ever increasing in wealth.
When I try to understand what I am seeing, I am confused and can’t help but wonder for a moment what is the good of my faith? It seems that to strive to become more like You is an exercise in futility. Seeing such things go on causes me to wonder why I bother to strive to be more like You. But what I am beginning to see is that the power, wealth, and prestige of the wicked disappear when they die. Those who walk uprightly reap rewards that have eternal value. What evil people accrue on this earth becomes a waste while the works of those who walk uprightly (which looks worthless) has lasting value. That is why I should never desire to trade places with evil people. One day they will wish they could trade places with me and receive the benefits I gain through my belief in You. In due time everyone who does evil will reap what they sow and everything they have built will come crashing down.
I am beginning to realize that the wealthy and powerful who place their trust in the things of the world are living out a fantasy. It is the dream that only exists in the mind of the dreamer. When I center my life on You and the principles You hold dear, I am building on a sound foundation that will withstand all the challenges I face. I must not base my goals on the ones the world say are important. Instead, I must set out and run the race which You called me to run. Happiness and hope can become a reality when it is based on You and that’s why I need to get as close to You as I can. I feel safest when we are close, and You hold me by the hand. If I stay close to You and Your Word, I know I can count on Your counsel to guide me in the way I should go. I give thanks for the fact that I have sought what is good and abandoned the ways of evil. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 73:25 Who in the Heavens have I but You? And earth has nothing I desire but You.