Growing Into Your Likeness

O Loving Shepherd, my desire is to be able to walk in Your footsteps.  As a Believer, I am called to be an imitator of You.  The task of living my life the way that You lead Yours is often difficult, but I must still strive to attain the goal no matter what circumstances I am facing.  In word and deed, I must become the image of the One I love and respect … You.  To develop the skills of a leader, I must begin my training in my home … then move to my circle of friends/relatives … then to my church … and, ultimately to my community.  To become a leader, I must be willing to practice what I preach.  The best way that I can lead is by becoming a servant … to You and to Your people.  In the same way that You lived a servant’s life, I too must assume the role of a servant in caring for those You put into my life.   To be a success, I must ask “what would Jesus do?” in every decision I make.  I know that in imitating Your actions I’ll be giving You the highest form of complement I can give.

To become an effective servant-leader, I must be willing and under no compulsion to act in accordance with Your will.  I do not want to become lazy or complacent … I want to be able to comfort the discouraged, help the weak/forlorn and be patient/loving with those who are suffering.  As a caretaker of Your Kingdom and its riches, I must be above reproach, self-controlled, sensible, hospitable and gentle.  These are not easy things to master but, with commitment and dedication to being all I can be for You, I know they can be attained.  The thing I covet the most is to hear You say “well done, my good and faithful servant.  You were faithful over a few things so I will put You in charge of many.  Enter now into the joy of Your Lord.”

My goal in life is to pursue whatever promotes love, peace and builds up others.  I must live in ways that show everyone they’ve come into contact with a “true” Christian.  I want my character to mimic Yours … my love to be unconditional like Yours … and, my life devoted to You as You are to me.  Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I will be directed toward people and places where I can have the greatest impact.  Teach me how to wait so that I take the time to get a clear picture of what You want me to accomplished and how I can be used to lead others to You.  Yoke me with others who complement my strengths so that we (together) can accomplish more for Your Kingdom and Your Flock.  You are my hero and I want to be just like You.  Help me become an effective leader as I grow more into Your likeness.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Ro 8:29 “Those God foreknew, He predestinated to be conformed to the likeness of His Son.”

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