Growing My Faith

O Blessed Savior, I am so grateful for the seed of faith that You placed in my soul when I was created.  Guide me in growing my faith from a tiny mustard seed into a vast, sprawling tree.  You have given me a measure of faith so that I can see with spiritual eyes the truths and possibilities that cannot be seen with my natural eyes.  As I listen to Your Word being preached and read from the Scriptures, they nourish my soul for its journey in search of more of You.  Help me understand the meanings of the Scriptures I read so I can develop a faith that cherishes my relationship with You … does not allow me to think more highly of myself than I should … facilitates my loving of my neighbor as I love myself … and helps me think soberly before I act.  I look to You as the Author and Finisher of my faith.  The one who leads me in all that I do and helps me mine nuggets of truth from Your Word the way a miner pans for gold.

Many today believe in all kinds of ways to further their lives … accumulating wealth, developing friendships with those in power … relying on only themselves and their abilities … and, following the principles of the world.  With the faith You gave me as I began my life, I’ve been able to do things I didn’t think possible.  I can only imagine what You have in store for me if I will cultivate it.  Doubt is the enemy I must learn to overcome if I am going to grow my faith.  Doubt robs me of the fulfillment of Your promises … blinds me from the truth … pulls me toward the influence of fear and worry … and causes me to stop trusting You.  I know I must cling to Your promise that assures me that if I believe You for whatever I ask … “it will be given to me” (when I ask within Your will).  And how will I know Your will?  It is through Your Word and the confirmation of the Holy Spirit that I am guided into knowing what is Your good and perfect will for me.

To be successful, I must learn how to walk by faith and not by what I see.  The things I see with my natural eyes blind me from Your truths, limits my ability to resolve problems, sees things only from a worldly perspective and emphasizes what I cannot do vs. what I can do through You.  However, it is Your “light” that eliminates the darkness around me, helps me visualize my possibilities, gives me hope to persevere, builds courage to move forward and reaffirms Your commitment to me.  I understand that if my motivation is not “faith focused” it becomes impossible for me to please You.  That is why growing my faith is important as a means of showing my confidence in You and Your truths.  Whenever I want to validate my faith, all I have to do is ask “Do I believe that You are able to do what I am asking?”  A yes tells me my faith is strong and growing … A no tells me it still is small and not very trusting.  So getting to the yes is why I continue to strive to grow my faith.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

I John 5:4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world.  And this is the victory that has overcome the world … our faith.

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