Guide Me in My Walk

O God of Joy, how lovely is Your dwelling place and I am elated that You have made room for me. I look forward to escaping from the hustle and bustle of the world to share time with You. I am encouraged by the fact that we can meet anywhere and at any time. It is so refreshing to enter Your peace and listen to the lessons You want to teach me. In times of struggles and sorrow I reach out to You. Growing in strength is often preceded by a journey through barren and rugged places in my life. Because I choose to spend time with You, I am learning that experiencing adversity is an opportunity to see Your faithfulness firsthand. I want to always walk toward You and not away from You. As each day goes by my soul yearns for more of You and my heart cries out for Your tender love. I feel blessed to be receiving Your strength to fight my battles and Your wisdom that gives me solutions on how to win.

Listen for my cries and look with favor upon me. Better is one day spent with You than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in Your house than to dwell in the mansions of men. I believe with my whole heart that You do not withhold any good thing from me if I walk uprightly and remain obedient. You have not promised to give me everything that I want, but You will not withhold anything You know is good for me and will produce good in my life. I trust that as we go through life together You will show me how to walk in Your ways. I am excited to fill my heart and mind with meaningful lessons that will help me master living here on earth. As I learn to respect and obey You, I know You will furnish me with the tools that will help me serve You and accomplish my mission on earth. When I slack off in my devotion to You, revive me so I can serve You with enthusiasm.

Protect me from harm because I am devoted to You alone. Have mercy on me and help me overcome the things that keep me from being like You. Fill me with Your joy so I can be an encouragement to others. I know You grant forgiveness and give good gifts to those who answer Your call. In my days of trouble, I am trusting that You will not be far away and will come to my aid. Among all the gods, there is none like You and none that have done the things You have done. Teach me Your ways so I can learn to walk in them. Give me an undivided heart so I can serve You alone. Under Your watchful eyes, keep me from harm and from stumbling into the traps set out for me by my enemy. I am blessed to have felt Your compassion, observed how You are slow to anger, and experienced Your love. As each day goes by, I acknowledge my need for Your guidance in running my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Psalm 86:11 Teach me Your way, O Lord, and I will walk in Your truth; give me an undivided heart that I may fear Your name.

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