My Benevolent Leader, in departing from the earth, You gave Your followers a command to “Go into the world and preach the Good News to all creation.” You wanted us to explain that You had paid the penalty for sin and those who would believe in You would be forgiven and receive eternal life. I am now called to share Your message with those who have not heard about Your work on Calvary. The driving force that powers my faith in spreading the message is Your resurrection. When I do not feel like I have the skills or determination to be a witness, I must realize that what you did was for me and was meant to be shared. I know that as our relationship grows, You will give me opportunities and the inner strength to share You with others. You fulfilled Your mission by coming and I must fulfill mine by going.
When You were taken up into heaven and Your Apostles stared intently into the sky, suddenly two men dressed all in white stood beside them. They asked, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand there and look into the sky?” I also feel You asking me why I am standing waiting to know what I should do next. I need not spend much time contemplating my next steps as a Christian. You have made it clear that You want me to go forth and share the Good News that I have received from You. When I feel unsure about sharing Your message in words, I can show it by my actions … bringing healing to the sick, hope to the discouraged, freedom to the oppressed, peace to the tormented, comfort to those who mourn, provisions for those with needs, and give strength to those who live in fear. In doing Your Word, I share the love and message You have for all.
To just see and hear what You have to say is not enough, I must be willing to live it out. Where there is no action, there is no life. Suffering and trials … fear and worry … must no longer paralyze me into in-action. I am called to believe in You and then go out and share what I know to be true with others. I need not look for the restoration of Your Kingdom because it has been brought down to me. If I want to become a powerful witness for You, I must seek the help of the Holy Spirit. It is the third person of God who will help me say what needs to be said … frees me from the fears that hold me in back … and, provides the inspiration to help my words be meaningful to those who hear them. In the very beginning of the Church, You poured out the Holy Spirit on Believers. Pour out Your Spirit on me so I can heed Your calling and mission for me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”