I am thankful, Most Loving Lord, that when I wake up each morning, You are there with me. You insure my safe passage by going before me. You guard my back from sneak attacks and I am at peace throughout the day because I know that You are walking beside me. You are there to keep me from stumbling into a mess. And You encourage me to hold my head up high when things are not going my way. Whenever I look to the left or the right, I see a hedge placed around me to protect me from evil. When I go to sleep at night, I am able to rest knowing that Your angels are watching over me. And when I arise, goodness and mercy, like faithful and loving pups, follow me wherever I go. As I go about my day, the Holy Spirit guides me and helps me steer clear of bad choices. I am overjoyed knowing that You have taken up residence in my heart and I strive to give You the praise and honor You deserve.
I want every word that I speak to reflect Your loving kindness and I want to uphold Your name before everyone I meet. I want to be able to see through Your eyes so I can react quickly when my enemies try to deceive me. I want to be sensitive for times when You speak to me and I want to be able to detect fear, worry or despair when they try to weave a web of deception regarding my future. I no longer want to carry my burdens alone but, instead, share them with You so I can get Your help in resolving my problems. No longer do I want to be selfish … rather, one who shares in the burdens of others and speaks uplifting words of encouragement like You do. Help me emulate the way You carried Yourself and feel the compassion You had for those who were hurting. Being close to You has brought me hope and an ability to persevere in tough times.
As I think upon Your words, help me find the spiritual nuggets that will allow me to become more like You. May my thoughts ever turn to You so I can receive the refreshing and renewal they offer. Help me come to an enlightenment that will guide me into a much needed defense of Your values in a society where secularism and materialism have weakened the moral fiber of the world. I want to be open and honest with You and never fail to pray because of what I’m feeling. When I am down, disappointed, angry or sorrowful, I want to share those feelings with You so I can be cleansed and get my bearings. I sometimes find it hard to make time for You but I know that I can … if I make it a priority. I know our time together is important because, when I do, I fall more deeply in love with You. I am convinced that having You in my life is a good thing and I need more of it. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.