O Precious Lamb of God, while it would have virtually been impossible for a mortal man to have endured the scourging You did and make it to a cross to be crucified … You endured both. And, through the miracle working power of the Holy Spirit, You were given a regenerated body and newness of life. Through Your sacrificial act, You’ve invited me to participate in Your selfless gift of life and a pass to spend eternity with You. In my choice to give myself to You, I’ve been given the strength to withstand the temptations of my enemy who wants to draw me into sin and away from You. Now I’ve been given the power to overcome the grave and partake in everlasting life. I’ve also received the fortitude to overcome my flesh and its selfish, self-centered lusts. Through Your loving act, I am able to enter into newness of life and the abundance of Your blessings. For these reasons, I give You praise.
Easter is a triumphant and holy feast. You, who endured the agony of the cross and the hopelessness of the grave, have redeemed me and made me a free man. You procured my salvation when You rose triumphantly on Easter Morning. Through Your death and resurrection, and my acceptance of You as My Savior, my life has begun anew … a glorious life … a joy-filled life … a victorious life … an immortal life. I sing with joy the lyrics of an old song that says, “there’s power, power, power … wonder working power … in the blood of the Lamb … the precious blood of the Lamb” I know that I will face battles with temptations, deceptions by the Devil and his cohorts and struggles with my weak flesh. However, You have encouraged me to do everything I can to stand against evil … knowing that You have my back. Through Your wonder working power, in every battle that I face, I know I will be victorious.
Through Your resurrection, You triumphed over death. Once and for all, You’ve provided an undeniable witness to the fact that You are God … and, in the process, You have enabled me to overcome evil and the clutches of eternal death. Once I was a victim of fear, worry, confusion and stress, but coming to know You has convinced me that I no longer have to succumb to these things. To be a “true” winner, I must be able to identify with Your death, burial and resurrection which I do through my Baptism. In the past, I was lost and could not see my path forward but, through the radiant light springing forth from Your empty tomb, I can see clearly my way to Your providence and blessings. Yes, a lot has changed in my life, and it all began when I came to understand the impact of the phrase “He is Risen.” And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Colossians 3:1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.