I am thankful, My Savior, that when You came to earth You did so to bring healing to Your people. We were broken and could not fix ourselves. By obeying Your Father’s command, You willingly paid the price to make me whole again. Through the wounds You bore in Your body … the evil beating You received with a whip … the crown of thorns that plunged into Your scalp … the nails that pierced Your hands and feet … and the spear in Your side, You restored me … mind, body and soul. Through Your sacrifice, You assured me that You loved me and placed a high value on my life. Touch me and I will be made whole … lay Your hands on me and my suffering will stop … stand with me and I will not fear … put the soothing balm of Your Word on the scrapes I encounter in the world and I will be healed. In dedicating my suffering to You, I am sharing in Your suffering and I will achieve victory like You did.
By Your visitation, You set before me life and death … cursing and blessing. Now it is up to me to choose You, as my Lord and Savior, if I wish to live with You in eternity and bask in the good life You earned for me. Your Father did not spare You from the suffering that was required to free me from sin and death … therefore, I have no reason to doubt His intentions and love. I must draw courage and strength from Your passion and dedicate myself to changing my life into one of service to You. The confidence I possess in approaching You whenever I have needs comes from my faith in You and my trust that You will be faithful in doing what You promised to do. I believe that it is Your desire that I prosper and live a good and vibrant life because You earned them for me by Your death, burial and resurrection.
You encourage me to listen closely to Your words for in them are life and, if I find and accept them, it will mean health to my whole being. Your will has always been for me to be free … walking in the freedom that You earned for me … giving You glory for my gift of new life … and sharing the Good News with others. No longer should I doubt Your willingness to heal me because when the leper asked You to heal him, if it was Your will, You responded “I am willing”. I should not become apprehensive or fearful because Your suffering has cleared a path forward for me. Knowing that You died to save me gives me peace beyond description and makes me feel cherished. Praise be Your because You have released me from captivity so that I can rebuild my life. I understand that it’s through Your wounds that I have been restored and I am forever grateful. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I Peter 2:24 He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds You have been healed.