I give praise and honor to You, O King of Glory, because you bought my life with Your own and now You live in me. I rejoice in the fact that You brought the things of Heaven to me in the form of … unselfish love … an inner peace that surpasses my understanding … contentment in whatever circumstances I find myself in … a joy that is indescribable … and, fulfillment from knowing and living out my purpose on earth. I’ve come to understand that You came to rebuff the forces of evil from the lives of those who would believe in You … through putting to flight hate, fear, worry, pride, and envy. As a lamb, You came in humility and love to show the world a better way … therefore, my calling is to be like Yours, contrasting the difference between heaven and hell. You have opened doors for me that had been closed because of my sins, but now I feel the soft, gentle breezes of Heaven sweeping down on me. In Your selflessness, You’ve provided me with everything I need to prosper in this life and the one to come.
I am blessed by the fact that You have shared with me powers that You alone possessed before the beginning of time. You have given me … power over my own life and the care of those You’ve entrusted to me … the ability to participate with You in giving life … the opportunity to experience true love … a sincere desire to give aid to the helpless and lost … the zeal to encourage the broken-hearted and down trodden … a genuine kindness that compels me to share … and, the faith that makes possible the impossible (forgiving others without strings, walking as You did in humility, bringing peace to those who cannot find rest and giving support to those who are weak). If I learn the concept of dying to self and live for You, I will embody all that You stand for. As I accept my own limits, I am strengthened by Your power and love. As I emulate Your ways, I share the benefits of what You want to be shared with all.
You have called me the salt of the earth because Your desire is for me to flavor the world with Your goodness and love. And once someone savors the richness of Your Kingdom, they will not want anything else. By Your living through me, Heaven is made real and attainable to others. Like Yourself, I’ve been called to be the light of the world. If I live for You, the brightness of Your image will pierce the darkness around me and help lead others to the Promised Land. I never want to extinguish Your light by remaining silent when I should be speaking up for You … or going along with the crowd to be accepted and fit in … or ignoring the needs of others. I feel blessed to be the beneficiary of Your bringing heaven to earth for my benefit and I want to share it with others. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Matthew 4:17 From that time forward Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.”