Hear my cry, O Lord, and give me relief from my distress. Be merciful and hear my prayer for I want to be cleansed from my unrighteousness in order to become more like You. How long have my deeds brought You shame? How long have my self-delusions and false steps caused You to weep? I know that You have asked me to separate myself from the world, but I find it hard to resist its trappings. I know that my sins displease You, yet I seem to always be getting caught in the same old snares. I know that Your desire is for me to become loving and selfless, but I seem to be taken up with fulfilling the yearnings of my flesh and pleasing myself. I know that I have many flaws and I feel powerless to overcome them.
Revive me through the working of the Holy Spirit. Help me honestly search my heart and turn over my weaknesses and flaws to You. Teach me to detest the things that make my evil ways ugly in Your sight. Show me how to develop a contrite heart that is willing to submit itself to Your will. Assist me in overcoming the powers that shackle me to doing evil. Let the light emulating from Your Wisdom shine down on me so I can see clearly the way You want me to go. Perpetually fill me with Your joy and hope. Return to me the bounty that’s been lost or stolen over the years. Give me Your peace so that when I go to sleep at night, I will truly rest. Be my safe dwelling place throughout the night. Lift me into Your arms and protect me as I embark on each new day.
I have many needs and You know them all. Help me deal with the ones I can and turn over to You those that I cannot. Show me the path I must take to attain the goals You had in mind when You created me. Remind me that I am never alone and that You will stay with me until the end of time. Help me surrender all that I am and all that I have to You so that Your blessings will become my blessings and Your ways will become my ways. As in the days of old, write Your words upon my heart so they will be with me wherever I go. My deepest desire is for Your Word to become an integral part of all of my decisions and everything that I do. I want to be alive, powerful and active as I go about the duties of belonging to You. You alone have the power to turn my sadness into laughter … my defeats into victories … and, my bad days into good ones. As You take my burdens as Your own, I know that my walk will become easier. As my leader, You possess the ability to lift me above the demands of my daily life so that I can maintain my perspective and see things as You see them. As You help me find my way, I know that I will be filled with holiness and service. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me.