Most Understanding God, I am in awe as I consider Your words proclaiming “herein is love” and in coming to understand that You loved me so much that You ordained that Your Only Son would be made a sacrifice for my sins … and, He loved me so much that He was willing to undergo suffering and death to cover my sins with His blood. In submitting Himself as my substitute, He paid the penalty for my sins and endured Your wrath against them. As a result, His righteousness was credited to my account and I am absolved of the penalties for my disobedience and failures. As my substitute, I am ever grateful for His selfless act on my behalf and my desire is to become more like Him so that I can shine His light into a world filled with darkness. Through my faith in Your Risen Son, I have been freed from sin, death and Hell and have a pathway to Heaven.
Most Loving Savior, teach me how to be more like You … learning from life’s lessons the path to victory … forgiving so that Your forgiveness is not in vain … becoming selfless so I can lift others up … not getting preoccupied with accumulating earthly wealth but focusing on reaping a host of blessings worth more than silver or gold … and, becoming steadfastly obedient to Your will. Your being raised from the dead showed the awesome power embodied in You as God. Through Your gift of the Holy Spirit, show me how to use that power in overcoming evil with good … pushing through adversity … and standing up as a witness for You. In His hands, I want to see my impossibilities turned into possibilities so that hope in You will strengthen others as they strive for the better things. I want to become a worker in the harvest field of souls showing them the truth of what Your death, burial and resurrection means to their future.
Because of Your love, I’ve become a doer and not just a hearer of Your Word … You’ve become the bedrock upon which I’ve built my life … I’ve been filled with a hope that continually assures me that all things will work together for good in my life … and, I will be able to stand up against anything that might come against me. As Your servant, Your enemies have become mine and I will no longer give aid and comfort to them in the war of good against evil. As You were strong and courageous during Your times of struggle, I want to be just like You in mine. I want Your unconditional love to flow through my whole being and I want to learn how to be sacrificial like You. I need the infusion of Your grace to insure I will be victorious with my life. I will strive to never question Your love because “herein is love” … You suffered and died for me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
I John 4:10 This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.