Most Beloved Son of God, thank You for Your comforting words which show me my way forward when You said … “Do not let your heart be troubled. You trusted in God; trust in me.” In Your words, You assure me that, if I follow Your leading, my way will be made secure. You have made known to me that there is a path to follow … the only issue that may still be unsettled is my willingness to obey Your commands. Although the details of my way forward are still unknown to me, You remind me not to fear because You have prepared a way for me and will walk with me through it. A key question for me is … “How will I know the way You’ve planned for me?” Your Word tells me that You are the Way, the Truth and the Light. So it is clear from these words that knowing You makes clear the way that I am to go. By uniting my life with Yours, I have united it with the entirety of God, His power and His resources.
You have given me an example, through Your life, that shows me how I should live. I realize that as Your servant, I can never be greater than You … nor can my will be greater than Yours. As a messenger of Your Word, I must boldly step forward to share the Good News that I have accepted for my life. As Your child, I am required to walk as You walked. I have no reason to fear the unknown or the attacks of my enemy because You stand with me and have filled me with an overcoming power to withstand whatever comes against me. It is easy to be frightened by the wickedness I see all around me and I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the problems I face. While I acknowledge that evil is obviously stronger than I … You are even stronger. And, I must never forget Your assurance that “the greater one is in me.” I must be confident In Your assurance that I possess the power to confront and overcome whatever I face.
So what awaits me as a disciple? In the Gospel of John, You said … “I tell you a truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater works because I am going to the Father.” I do not feel that You are saying that I’d be doing great miracles like raising people from the dead. Rather, working under the power of the Holy Spirit, I would continue the work You began and expand Your Kingdom to even greater heights than when You were here. You do not pass out specific road maps to every person at the time they commit their lives to You. As You see my faith, skills and desires grow to serve others through service to You, You show me Your plan and ask me to be faithful in following it. You made this clear when You said … “greater love has no man than this, to lay down his life for a friend.” So here I am Lord, show me the way. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!!
John 14:5-6 Thomas said to Him, “Lord we don’t know the way we are going, so how can we know the way? Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth and the life.”