Holy, holy, holy O God of power and might … heaven and earth are full of Your glory … Hosanna in the highest. You have enkindled in me a flame of faith that lights my life and gives me hope. You have ordained me for a life full of Your righteousness and power. Help me stay true to Your calling through devotion to You and Your Holy Word … while, at the same time, being watchful for the wiles and deceptions of my enemy. For You are my all in all and without You I will surely lose my way and purpose. I am sustained by Your love and grace.
Like the Priests of old, I have been consecrated to service to You through my Baptism. Through my parents, and later when I came of age, I pledged my devotion and service to You alone. I offered myself, as Your Word instructs me, as a “living sacrifice” offering my acts of kindness and love to You. As a result, I am unique and set apart to love and obey You. In my calling, I’ve been asked … to reject the seductions of earthly cares and carnal living … to cast aside the lies and deceits of the enemy … to purge myself of sinful ways … and, give myself unselfishly to You and others. I realize that I’ve been purchased with the price of Your blood and I’ve been give the gift of eternal life. I do not want to squander the blessings Your sacrifice has earned for me. I know, in the inner depths of my being, that I have been called to a higher purpose … with a race to run … and a life of sacrifice to lead. Help me to better understand what my calling and empower me, through the working of the Holy Spirit, to fulfill it. I know that I can be holy because You have given me the model of Your life to use in becoming holy as You were holy. I now can rest in the confidence of knowing that I am Yours and You are mine.
Because I’ve come to know my place in Your Kingdom, I possess a peace that passes all understanding. I trust that You have me just where You want me, even if it does not feel comfortable. For in my discomfort, I am purged and drawn more closely to You. I know that through belonging to You there are infinite possibilities for my life and I want to make the most of them. I thank You for the many blessings that You’ve freely given to me and I want to be generous in sharing them with others. I am confident in knowing that I belong to You. May You dwell richly in me for all times and may I always rejoice in belonging to You, My Lord. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Exodus 32:29 You have been set apart for the Lord today …