I Am Salt and I Am Light

O Creator of All Good Things, Your Word tells me that I am the salt of the earth … but if my saltiness loses its taste, how can I be made salty again?  For salt that loses its taste is no longer good for anything except to be cast out and trodden under foot.  My saltiness comes from my faith and devotion to You and it is through our relationship that my salt is replenished.  When it is, I can endure trying times and circumstances and help others overcome their obstacles.  You also have called me the light of the world but, once a lamp is lit, it should not be hidden under a basket.  If I hide my light, it is of no use to anyone.  However, if I put it on a stand, my light shines before men so they can see my actions and are drawn to You.  My light stems from the insight I get from Your Word through the illumination of the Holy Spirit.  To flourish and grow, I need both salt and light … and, You are the source of both. 

I understand that if the seasoning You’ve placed in me is not shared with others, it has no value and is wasted.  If I do not make a conscious effort to effect the world around me with my salt, then I am of little value to Your Kingdom.  If I become attached to the world, I limit my ability to share the special flavoring of Your goodness and love.  In the same way that salt adds flavor to a meal, so should my example give others a taste of Your Kingdom.  My flavoring should affect them in a positive way and leave them hungering for more.  Salt also has a healing component to it and I should be an active ingredient helping to mend broken hearts, overcoming disappointments, helping repair damaged lives, restoring hope to the down trodden and bringing healing to the whole man.  You have been called “The Great Physician” and there is no reason why I should not bring Your healing power to others. 

I am honored that You have called me to shine Your light into a world full of darkness.  Light illuminates the things around it and allows people to see more clearly.  I can shine Your light by dealing with others fairly; loving them unconditionally; serving them expecting nothing in return and, treating them kindly.  If I live for You, I will glow through a prism of wisdom, hope, love, and joy.  I want to be a lifeboat traveling upstream in a secular, self-serving world bringing sustenance to those dying from lack of spiritual nourishment.  My desire is to be able to convey Your principles to the lost by the way I lead my life.  I want to become a beacon shining light on the needs of my brothers and sisters and then becoming a bridge by which they get what they need.  You have given me newness of life by which I am salt and I am light … thanks be to God.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Mathew 5:13-14 You are the salt of the earth … You are the light of the world.

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