I rejoice, Dear Lord, in the fact that my life is a canvas upon which You paint a kaleidoscope of events filled with grace and truth. Each brush stroke is varied with soft tones highlighting Your gentle encouragement and bold strokes bringing out the drastic actions You had to take to avert disaster. Each stroke creates a landscape of what You intend for my life and covers the old picture of sin and defeat. My painting brings out the bright sunlight of impossibilities made possible and highlights a blue sky, where the clouds of turmoil and hardships having been removed. The painting captures the sorrows, joys, pains, and victories I have experienced in life. Sometimes my picture is distorted by confusion and disarray. But You always have the touch necessary to bring back clarity to it. I know that if I allow You to have full control over my life’s painting, it will turn out beautiful and will show Your creativity.
I pray that as I go through life You will stand with me and help me walk uprightly. There seems to be a special touch in Your hands that … brings healing to the wounds of my heart and overcomes my despair … comforts the pains of my suffering and provides courage to replace my fears … and wipes away my tears of sorrow and returns my joy. It is Your gentle hands applying strokes of kindness that fill me with peace and hope. Through Your compassion, You have removed the pain from each of my stumbles and put me back on my feet. When I need tenderness, You fill my life with soft tones of kindness that calms me and eliminates the harsh lines of disappointment and failure. As You walk with me, I know You will give me the power to overcome and the ability to achieve a bright future for my life. I am forever amazed by the vast array of color that You add to my life.
I will always have a place in my heart for You because You fill my life with an unlimited pallet of colors that brightens my day and makes me feel hopeful and optimistic. When troubles try to encroach on my life, I seek You immediately because apart from You I am lost and alone. I have come to appreciate Your artistry which covers my life in goodness. The moments we share are precious and invaluable to me. It is a time when we merge into oneness, and I hear and understand what You want to share with me. I am awed by all You have done for me and it’s hard to picture my life without You. Through Your eyes, I have come to recognize the poverty in which I lived until You clothed me in a robe meant for a King’s kid and adorned with Your blessings. You have reached down from Heaven and painted a new and bright future for me … and for that I am truly grateful. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
II Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are gone, the new has come!