My Wonderful King and Ruler, as I look upon the accomplishments of my life, I’ve come to realize, as the Apostle Paul did, that all of the things I count as gain in the light of Your expectations are small, inconsequential and have fallen short of what You planned for me. Riches and honor fade… earthly delights disappear … silver and gold become tarnished … and my things remain when I am gone. What I’ve been able to realize is that my faith is the true wealth that I possess. Your wisdom has been what has guided me to my successes. The blessings which You bestow upon me are the treasures that mean the most to me. To be called a follower of Yours is the greatest honor I can hold. It is Your promises that give me the hope to persevere in my most trying times … not the counterfeits offered by the world. There is no place under the heavens that I can count as my home but my place next to You in Paradise.
What can give me more consolation than to know the power of Your love? What could bring me more peace than to know You stand with me in all things? What could keep me more humble than to contemplate the suffering and death that You endured to save me from sin and eternal death. As Your child, my desire is to walk in the light of Your truth and devote myself to being an imitator of Your ways. As each day goes by, I realize more and more that this life is not about me, but You. Your example has shown me a better way and I’ve been given the freedom to choose to follow it. My decisions are all a reflection of the one who I serve. Each choice I make exposes who I’ve made first in my life. I am committed to doing things Your way, so help me learn to walk as you walked … love as You loved … care as You cared … and, take up my cross as You took up Yours.
I must keep in mind that You died so I could live and, in rising, You gave me the hope of everlasting life. You saved me from sin and myself and filled me with joy. If I can learn to die to self, I believe that I will find the freedom to live fully for You. As I endure the sufferings and trials of this life, I know that You are purging me and helping me to see the truly meaningful things of life. Through Your awesome power, You’ve given me the hope that all things are possible … if I run them through You. I do not believe that I can even conceive all of the things that You have in store for me in this life and the one to come. But I do know this … that the Spirit of Your love … has come to change my heart and lead me in doing what is right. When pain and sorrow weigh me down, I know that I can count on You to be near and give me a helping hand. That is why I cannot live without You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 90:14 Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love that we might sing for joy and be glad all of our days.