O Beloved Savior, I must believe in You because I sense Your presence all around me. I feel it as each new day dawns. I rejoice in the fact that I’ve been given the gift of another day to know, love and serve You in this world. As the sun comes up over the earth, I feel the warmth of Your love and I’m given the assurance that Your light will guide my way. When I gaze upon a mountain top, I’m reminded of just how large You are and how very small my problems become in Your presence. As I watch flowers grow, birds fly through the air and young children laugh and play, I am focused on the fact that You are the essence of life. When I see the seasons change, it tells me that someone mightier than me has control of all things. With the falling of each rain drop and each snow flake, I am reminded that You hold in balance all of the things that sustain life.
As I look upon the barren trees of winter, I reflect on just how barren my life would be without You. When I look upon the stars at night, I acknowledge, with thankfulness, all of the little things You have placed in my life. As I live out each day, I see things that change and I accept it as inevitable yet, in my heart, I know it is a force that can bring about things that will make life better or worse. It is at such times that I must cling to Your truths because it is through them that I can grab hold of things that will make my life better. As I look around, I see the marvels of Your creation, the power that holds it all together and the wisdom behind everything You create. As I face the trials, tests and consequences of my choices, I believe that only You can take me by the hand and guide me through them all. It is in and through Your strength that I am able to overcome the obstacles that are thrown into my path.
As I go about my day, if I cling to You, I believe that all things will work together to produce good in my life. Through Your loving actions, I’ve been set free to be all that I can be. It is my belief in You and Your faithfulness that sustains me during my most trying times. It is the promises contained in Your Word that gives me the hope for a better tomorrow and opportunities to make my life better. If I have any doubts about Your power or Your willingness to use it to resolve my problems, all I have to do is search Your Word for instances where Your people or individuals were delivered from doom. Whenever I see threatening clouds looming on my horizon, all I have to do is focus on You and allow Your joy to re-energize me for battle. When I have needs, if I will pray believing, I know that every need will be met. Therefore, if I believe in anything, I must believe in You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Mark 11:24 Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be yours.