Most Blessed Savior, whenever I wait on You, Your timing and Your solutions to my problems, I am able to maintain my composure and not lose control of myself. With Your help in avoiding becoming agitated, disturbed and tense, I can keep my cool and not become irrational. When I wait on You and do not become fearful, I am able to remain calm and able to deal with my circumstances. As I wait quietly and remain hopeful, good things can come from an unfortunate situation. By focusing my hope on You and Your faithfulness, I am able to take a stand and wait for my good fortune with patience and perseverance. As I learn to rest in You and wait patiently for Your response to my requests, I know that You will provide me with ways to overcome and prosper. By imitating Your example and practicing patience, I know I will become an heir of many blessings.
As a maturing Christian, I must come to realize that things often develop slowly and I should not question Your commitment to me or take off on my own. I am learning that if I lay aside my burdens, trusting that You are dealing with them, I will find peace and rest. When I expend a lot of energy worrying, becoming fearful or anxious, I am not able to deal with the things that have been set before me. If I will allow myself to learn to be patient, I will find that the end of my struggle is better than its beginning. When I become impatient or angry, I’m likely to make a fool of myself in front of others … damage my witness … and cause others to question my Christianity. Whenever I feel under stress, I must turn to Your Word for comfort, guidance, patience and hope. I have come to accept that when my faith is tested, patience will be the outcome.
When I cease becoming angry and impatient, my life will become less stressful and I will find peace in trusting You completely. I believe that when I am able to wait patiently, You are able to work with me in ways that improve my life, corrects my walk, changes my attitudes and enables me to be more like You. In the same way that You are patient with my failures and missteps, I should practice the same patience with others that You have shown to me. In the same way that a farmer labors and then patiently waits for his harvest, I too must labor patiently in the place where You’ve put me and await my harvest. Of this I am very sure, whenever I need more patience, You must be involved in the process. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
James 1:3-4 Knowing that the testing of Your faith produces patience. Let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.