O Precious Savior, I love You and my desire is to be united more closely with You. I want to walk with You and become one with You in all that I do. I want to lose myself in order to put Your interests and those of others ahead of mine. I want to forsake my wants in order to take up Yours. I am willing to be rejected and despised by men for Your sake. I pledge to forsake seeking the favor of men in favor of seeking Your will and affection. Help me hold my tongue so that my ears may become more sensitive to Your voice. I want to leave the world behind … with its harsh, judging, pride-filled and selfish motives … and, its love of power and wealth. Instead, my goal will be seeking first Your Kingdom … where good is the rule rather than the exception … loving and giving is a way of life … and, surrender of my cause for a greater cause becomes easier. Quench my thirst for more of You and satisfy my hunger for purity so I can be more like You.
Help me walk worthy of my calling and not grow weary of living in accordance with Your will for my life. The wear and tear from living in the world puts a drag on my life … and, my struggles to succeed pull me in every direction. Stress from dealing with problems sap my energy and I seem to face an endless stream of decisions that boggle my mind. Take me into Your arms, O Lord, with all my fears and anxiety and transform me into a Christian Warrior who is strong and fearless. I give and entrust my life to You. Enlighten me with Your Wisdom … direct me in all my ways … and, show me Your will so I can embrace it and live by it. Take from me the misery that tries to claim my life so that I can live a victorious one. And meet my every need so that I do not have to go naked or hungry or find a place to rest my head.
O Gracious Heart of Love, whose blood has given life to my soul, create in me a new heart that will facilitate my surrender of all things to You. I no longer want to live for me but, instead, live my life for You … with You motivating and challenging me … with You strengthening and encouraging me … and, filling my life with meaning. I am blessed to know that You have loved me since the moment I was conceived and, like a good parent, You have looked out for me all of my days. You have both lived and died for me and I want to do the same for You. My desire is for You to dwell in me and for us to be united as one. This is the purpose of true love and I am willing to surrender all to achieve it. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
James 4:7-8 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you. Come near to God and He will come near to you.