Be merciful to me, O Lord, for I sometimes lose my way. I get lax in watching and praying and the enemy overcomes me. I become frightened when I lose sight of You and I begin to focus on what is going on around me instead of keeping You in my sight. I know that if I place my trust in You, fear will dissipate and I will be able to walk on solid ground. I trust that when I cast my cares on You, You will sustain me and keep me from stumbling. I will always strive to remember that my troubles are Your solutions … and, my weaknesses are Your strengths. I feel so blessed to be Your child and under Your watchful care.
Each day that the sun comes up, I wait patiently for You. When I cry out, I know that You hear me and will come to my aid. When I struggle with my troubles, You come to lift me out of them. When I am down and my head is hanging low, You put a song of praise in my heart and joy restores my vigor. When I tremble in fear of what is about to happen, You steady me and calmly reassure me. In whom then shall I put trust? You alone are my high wall of protection. I am a blessed man because I keep my focus on You, believe what Your Word says and trusts You will be there for me whenever I have needs. Help me not become puffed up and vain so that I think I can get along without You. Stop me from establishing relationships with false gods who will only try to pull me away from You. Show me how to keep my focus on the marvelous plans You have for me – blessing and not cursing … rejoicing and not heaviness … prosperity and not want … strength and not weariness … and, hope and not depression. I will strive to remain faithful and true to You no matter what I face.
Thank You for taking the time to get to know me and understand me and share Your love with me. You withhold no good thing from me and You ask only what is right and just. My heart cries out “Here I am Lord; do with me as You wish.” Place in me a servant’s heart that only wants to do Your will. Write Your laws upon my heart so that I will never depart from them and they will act as a constant reminder of Your love for me. Give me the grace and boldness to proclaim Your greatness to all I meet. I want them to know the countless times You’ve been faithful to me and how You will be faithful to them also. My heart is filled with love for You and I sometimes feel like it will burst. Help me never conceal Your love or truths from everyone I meet. Help me to always remember that trusting You is the solution for any problem I may have. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.