In My Prayer Closet

O Just and Mighty God, I believe that the very essence of prayer is my one-on-one communication time  with You.  I do not need an audience for my prayers to be heard for You covet our time alone.  This means finding a place where I can isolate myself from the sights and sounds that distract me so I can totally focus on what You have to say.  I’ve learned that it is permissible for me to come to You as often as I need because You encourage persistent prayer.  Your invitation to bring my burdens to You is meant to strengthen and comfort me.  In my trials, You provide the strength to persevere until Your perfect will is revealed.  To pray sincerely, I must have faith in Your ability to act on my behalf and trust that Your desire is to intervene to help me.  My frustration is Your clue that I am trying to do too much and not relying on You.  When I am attentive, I can hear what You have to say and find my direction.

In my prayer closet, when I am humble and willing for change in my life, Your comfort and wisdom work to repair my heart, soul and body.  In Your presence, the stress and worry that has crept into my life seems to melt away.  Old, hurtful memories are brushed aside.  The poison of resentment and grudges are drained from my psyche.  The weariness I feel from my daily struggles subsides.  And my outlook is optimistic.  In my times alone with You, I am fortified to tackle the issues and trials I face.  The holes in my life are filled with Your goodness and I feel whole and complete.  With You by my side, I feel peace, joy and contentment.    Peace comes from knowing that in You resides all the answers and resources I need to prosper.  Joy because I see all You have done for me and how willing You are to keep me safe and bind up my wounds.  I am content because You’ve met my needs and given purpose to my life.

In Your presence, all of my pride is stripped away as I see my inadequacies in the light of Your possibilities.  Without You, I realize I am nothing and doomed for failure.  In our times together, I am able to build a deeper relationship with You and realize the magnitude of the sacrifice You made for me to attain Heaven and live in Your blessings.  As I find peace in being with You and search diligently for You in the Scriptures, I’m able to hear a small sweet voice from within that helps me better understand the mission You have for me.  Coming close to You helps me learn obedience and puts me in harmony with Your desires.  Rebellion short-circuits the positive impact of Your blessings and love.  My times with You show me the futility I face if I reject You and Your will.  Help me make time alone with You in my prayer closet so that we can become one.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Matthew 6:6 But when you pray, go into your closet, close the door and pray to your Father who is unseen. Then Your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward You. 

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