O Fountain of Wisdom, I try to live my life in accordance with Your truths because they shine light into my life so I know which way to go. They examine my motives and point out the ways I must change. I know that as I learn Your precepts, You will expect me to walk in them. In my life, I’ve seen things change around me, but Your truths all remain the same. Your words are as valid today as they were when You first spoke them. As I search for Your truth, I am not afraid of what it will demand of me because as I learn from it, I will start becoming more like You. It is my daily mission to take up my cross and follow You … and, I’m on the lookout for nuggets of truth along the way. I know that in Your Word I will find “real” truth … and, through the working of the Holy Spirit, I will be conformed to it. As I allow You to reign in my life, what You know will be revealed to me so I can grow in Your holiness .
I know that in order to find truth, I must be attentive and diligent in my search … reading, praying and meditating on the Word. As more of Your light shines into my life, joy fills my heart and I begin to walk out my life with renewed boldness. As I choose to live by Your principles, You enable me to grow and produce good fruit. As I become rooted and grounded in Your truths, I gain a better appreciation for the power and grace that come from them. When I invite the Holy Spirit to become my tutor, He guides me into a better understanding of Your laws and precepts. Because You do not lie, I can build my life on things You have taught me. Help me deepen my relationship with You so I can grow in Your wisdom. As I follow in Your ways, I will learn from Your example and change my ways. I know that when Your truth finds its way into my heart, I will finally be freed from the power of sin and my fleshly desires.
Getting Your truths into my head is one thing, but living them out and having them develop my character is another. Therefore, I cannot be satisfied with just watching from the sidelines … I must “suit up” and live them. I must take ownership of them and put them to work in my life. Just as a key opens a lock, I want my search for more to become the key that opens the door to understanding. And, as rain saturates the earth so that plants can live, I want my life to be saturated with Your truths so I can live too. As I learn more about You, I must be willing to put forth the effort required to achieve the things I am taught. I believe that implementing Your truths will cause me to triumph in all that I do. I want Your Word to become the standard by which I measure all things in my life. Therefore, I will continue my search for truth so that I can become more like You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 8:31-32 If you hold on to my teachings … you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.