Most Omnipotent God, in the beginning only You existed. But in Your love and generosity, You shared Yourself by creating the things I know … the earth, the things that lived upon it, everything in heavens and everything in the depths of the sea. Without You, nothing could have been created. To show us the reality of who You are and the compassion You have for us when we could not find a way to salvation, You came among us to save us from our sins. While You came as flesh and blood like me to show me a better way, what happened is that You took upon Yourself humanity and lived like a man but never ceased to be the Eternal God who created and sustains all things to this day. You brought me truth through Your Word so that I could learn to live Your way. All of history testifies to the reality of You being the Son of God and this truth has expanded my faith and given me the promise of eternal life.
You are God’s Messenger to His people. Originally, He spoke through His laws and the prophets. In time, You came to show me how to live in accordance with His standards of holiness. You are my revelation of who God is … a living picture of His character and goodness. You are the “Living” Word who came to share the Good News related to the plans and aspirations of the Almighty One. I can never take pride in who I am or what I’ve made of myself on my own. I have been created by You with special talents, gifts and an inheritance that You have provided. In You, I’ve been made unique, valuable and set apart for Your purposes. If I try to live without You, I’m surely destined to failure. Regardless of how complex or trying my life becomes, nothing in it is too difficult for You to handle. I exist and live and move about by Your power which assure me that You are bigger than anything I face.
You came as a light shining in the darkness so that through You I might believe. The darkness has never understood Your love or purpose. To evil, You represent moral purity and fullness of life … neither of which can he counterfeit. Your coming has given to me light so I could see myself as I am. When I follow Your light, I avoid walking blindly and stumbling into sin. Your truth lights the path before me so I can see the right way to live. You remove the blinders from darkness so I can see truth. If I allow Your light to shine into my life, I’ll never find myself stumbling in the darkness. I hope to become someone whose light draws others to You and encourages them to walk in Your ways. This is why “in the beginning” has taken on so much meaning for my life … because from it has come the everlasting light that has led me to salvation and calls me to share it with others. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.