In The Beginning

Most Benevolent Lord, in the beginning You created the heavens and earth in a miraculous way that exceeds my ability to imagine all that went into it. As an example, some estimate that the number of stars in creation equal all the grains of sand in all of the beaches on the earth. To say that the universe just happened or evolved requires a lot more faith than believing that You did it. You did not need to create the universe; You chose to create it. You created the world and the people in it as an expression of Your love and generosity. We were given a chance to learn a lot about You through the creation. Things like Your creative genius, the power of Your words, that You are separate and distinct from Your creation, that You control all things and that man is valuable to You. In creation, You made all the things I would need to grow and succeed in the world.

There are various versions on how creation came about. The one that I believe is that as Supreme God, You created everything and made it all fit together perfectly. In it, You gave people a special place to live and thrive. I may never have all of the answers to how You created the earth and the sky, but I know in my heart that You are the Creator. In the beginning You described the earth as “formless and empty” which gives me an understanding of the starkness of the earth before You called into existence the wonderful tapestry of things we see You made. On the first day, You provided light to separate the day between light and darkness. On the second and third days, You gave form to everything. During the next three days, You filled the earth with living things. During this whole time the Holy Spirit hovered over the earth as a mother bird does in protecting her young.

Everything in creation reveals a lot about Your personality, character and Your plans for the future. It reveals Your deep desire to relate and have fellowship with me and all Believers, through Your historic visit to the earth. Through You and Your time on earth I learned about You through the things You did that were captured in Your Word. The main take away is that You loved us more than human life itself. You created the world in a special way so we could see that Your desire to meet with us was purposed and meant to be. I am here to experience Your great love and show You my appreciation by carrying out the mission You sent me to fulfill. If I take the time to look around and consider all of the things You put around me, I will come to know the depth of Your love. Creation was the beginning of a time You created for me to live and I’m trying to do it to the fullest. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

Genesis 1:31 God saw all that He had made, and it was very good.

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