O Creator of All Things, the Bible begins with the story of the creation of the universe and concludes with the creation of the New Heaven and the New Earth. The creation of the New Heaven and the New Earth gives me hope and encouragement about the future. When I pledged my life to You, I believe my sins were forgiven and my future made secure. I look forward to being made perfect like You. Those whose faith is weak, doubting or questioning their commitment to You, and turn their back on You will lose their place in Heaven. They are not brave enough to stand up for You and are counted among the unbelieving, vile, liars, idolaters, and sexually immoral people of the earth. What You desire is a people who will stand firm in their belief in You. If I do this, I know that I will be with You always, escape the lake of fire, rule with You in Your Kingdom and sitting by Your side.
In Your New Jerusalem, all Believers will be welcomed. The twelve tribes of Isreal, the twelve apostles along with those whose name is written in the “Lambs Book of Life” and have been faithful to You will enjoy their new life in the New Kingdom. A temple, the center of Your presence, will not be needed because Your presence will be everywhere. You will be worshipped throughout the city because nothing will hinder me from being close to You. I must never think that my earthly status, personality or good behavior will be the reason I get to spend eternity with You. I must trust that my belief in Your death, burial and resurrection guarantee me citizenship in Your New World Order. In Your New Kingdom, there will be a stream of water that will quench my thirst for righteousness and a tree of life that will satisfy my hunger for righteousness.
Because of the forgiveness of sins through Your blood, there will be no evil or sin in Your Kingdom. I will be able to enjoy a place where sin, sickness and death are banished forever. No longer will evil be a part of my life. I thank You that the Apostle John was given the opportunity to see the things that will come during the end times. Reading his eyewitness view of what will come gives me the assurance that everything will be put in order when I enter eternity. The visions captured by John were given so I could be informed and believe as he did. What I must always ask myself is whether people, ambitions, goals or possessions which I accumulate should occupy the central part of my life crowding You out? I must allow nothing to distract me from my devotion to You. I will do my best to live out Your plan for my life until You come again. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Revelation 22:12 “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.”