O Loving Master, giver and preserver of life, I lift up my voice in praise to You. For in Your hands resides all power and You use it in lifting up and helping Your people … of which I am one. It is Your hands that created the heavens and the earth and everything that lives in them. I see You in the grass, flowers and trees … in the stars, clouds and sky … in the mountains, seascapes and boulders … in seeing a caterpillar turn into a butterfly and a tadpole turn into a frog. It is You who causes the tides to ebb and flow … the rain to fall and be absorbed by the parched earth … and the stars to lite up like candales in the sky at night. It is You who makes the sun rise each morning and set peacefully at night … it is Your gentle breath that I feel when a breeze brushes across my face … and it is Your tears that I see washing away the filth and suffering from off the earth when it rains. Yes, I see Your awesome and creative hands at work in all aspects of my life and I feel reassured as I rest in them.
In Your hands resides the strength to lift me up when I am weak and can no longer persist in fighting the good fight of faith. You are there to console me, give me hope when mine has been exhausted and uphold me with promises from Your Word. And, when I am sick, You nurse me back to health and infuse me with the joy I need to recover my strength. You have shown me the limitlessness of Your power in the miraculous raising of men from the dead, making lame men walk and healing the sick. It is Your hands that controlled and calmed the sea and turned ferocious storms into gentle breezes. It is Your hands that make a way for me to escape the traps set by my enemies to take me captive. It is Your loving hands that I experience happiness and prosperity. It is Your hands that take me into Your bosom to comfort me when I am sad or discouraged. It is Your hands that were nailed to a cross so that I could escape the power of sin and inherit a home with You in Paradise.
O Glorious Lord, how privileged I feel to be reaping the bounty of Your work. Each day is filled with opportunities to see You act on my behalf … share time with You … and, sow good seed into Your Kingdom. I am very thankful for the fact that in Your hands resides the power to turn back evil or circumstances that threaten to destroy my peace and well-being. In Your hands, I feel safe and protected. In Your hands, I feel a willingness to trust Your guidance and leading. You are the source of all goodness in my life, and if I have any reason to boast, it is because of You. I feel confident when I know that You have my back and I am emboldened when I feel You by my side. Never leave or forsake me, O Lord, for I have put my faith in You alone and I know that in Your hands I am safe and well cared for. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 92:5 You make me jubilant, Lord, by Your deeds; and, at the work of Your hands, I shout joy.