My Great Protector, when life does not deliver my expectations or when struggles fill my life or sin seems to be winning the battle, I tend to think “woe is me!” I begin to feel like I am a Job. However, when I reflect on the fact that the “chosen” people lived under the threat of constant attacks from various tribes and people … or how the early believers face a fiery furnace or lion’s den … or how You had to suffer and die, I realize my life is not so bad. What I am seeing is that the world is a battleground of good and evil, reaping and sowing and paying a price for my sins. It makes me realize that You never promised that my life as a Christian would be easy. Instead, I was promised that in this world I would have tribulations and, because you overcame yours, I will overcome mine. I must stay strong and courageous through You and Your Word so I can achieve my victories.
When I stop to think, I realize the source of my problems began in the Garden of Eden. It was there that You planned for a pleasant life for me spent in fellowship with You. The problems began when man fell to the temptations of the Devil. The fall ushered in for Eve and her female offspring a great increase level of pain associated with childbearing and their husband would be given rule over them. As for Adam, the ground was cursed because of him and through painful toil he would eat from it for the remainder of his life. The ground would produce thorns and thistles who would struggle against the food he would grow. By the sweat of his brow, he would toil until he returned to the ground from which he was taken. Because of sin, their eyes were opened to good and evil and that is a trait I inherit from them. Like with Adam and Eve, so many of my problems come from my decisions to rebel against You.
Dealing with struggles and sin toughens me because I must turn to you for the strength and faith required to overcome them. What I have come to believe is that I must go through hardships to achieve my place in Your Kingdom. I must remain sensitive to Your call to action, even if it means going through adversity. There will be troubles and distress for every human who lives on the earth. The Good News is that I can be victorious if I stay close to You. If I rejoice in my suffering, it will produce perseverance and perseverance develops character. Your Word assures me that troubles and hardships cannot separate me from Your love. In my troubles, I can count on Your comfort so I will be able to comfort others. It is the trying of my faith which produces the patience to help me wait until Your relief appears. Life is supposed to be hard, but You will help me endure. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 16:33 In this world you will have tribulations. But take heart! I have overcome the world.