It’s Who You Know

O Precious Lord, thank You for the assurance of Your love and a future with You in eternity.  The truth about a person’s “true Christianity” lies in the fact that if he thinks he’s a Christian, or hopes he’s a Christian, he’s probably not a Christian.  When I became Yours, I received an inner knowing that affirms my connection to You and my place with You in Heaven.  You said … “These things I’ve written to You so You would believe on me and know that you have eternal life (I Jn. 5:13).”  This verse explains that it is more important who I know, not what I know.  My confession should be … I know in whom I believe.  I sometimes wonder how I can be sure I have eternal life.  My conclusion is that it comes from the Scripture which tells me “if I believe in You, I shall not perish but have eternal life (Jn. 3:16).”  A second way I know that my salvation is sure is because You know me.  You said … “My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they know me … and no one shall pluck them from my hand (Jn. 10:27).”

I also believe that I dwell in You, and You dwell in me, because the Holy Spirit “bears witness with my spirit, that I am Your child (Ro. 8:16).”  If I have the Holy Spirit in me, it is the result of submitting my life to You and wanting Your direction and guidance on how to live.  It is through the Holy Spirit that my eyes are opened to the truth of who I am in You and how I should go about doing things that will reap rewards from You.  As I fall in love with Your Word, it becomes a part of me and, therefore, You become a part of me.  When the Scriptures speak to me it is You speaking to me.  When I do something that is truly unselfish or I feel genuine compassion for another, I am reassured of Your presence in me.  When I choose good over evil, I know to whom I belong.  When I have the confidence that You are with me, I can believe that things will work in harmony to produce a meaningful life with positive outcomes.

A sure way to know I belong to You is confirmed by my willingness to obey Your commands.  You stated in Your Word that it is not sacrifices that You seek from me but an obedient heart yearning to do what ask.  You’ve given me a free will to make choices concerning … life or death … the things that enlarge my heart or shrinks it … the joys of life or the disappointments … the battles won or the battles lost … an abiding peace or a raging storm … times of laughter or times of tears.  I’ve come to understand that in obedience I am really showing You the extent of my love.  I show it by putting You first … swallowing my pride and becoming humble like You … dying to self so that You can be lifted up.  You have promised that, if I serve You with humility, obedience and faithful service, You’d fill my life with goodness.  That is why a productive and joyful life is all about knowing You.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

II Timothy 1:12 … I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until the day of His return.

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