Knowing God’s Will

All Knowing God, I marvel at the things You’ve done for me in the past and continue to do until this day.  Since the beginning of time, You have desired a relationship and open communication with Your created ones.  I often wonder why it is so hard to hear You speaking to me.  I’ve come to the conclusion that, in order to hear when You speak, I must first be willing and determined to hear what You have to say.  You explained this when You said “trust in the Lord with all Your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.”  My desire to under-stand Your will is shown when I delve into Your thoughts that are captured in the Scriptures.  In order to act appropriately, I must know Your will and then do it.  Your words act as a lamp to my feet guiding me where to go.  If I am to know Your will, I must devote my time to prayer and meditation.

Learning to distinguish Your voice from the many others in my head comes through a deeper knowledge of who You are.  You explain in Your Word that, as one of Your sheep, I will come to know Your voice as my Shepherd.  How does that happen?  Through my daily encounters with You … taking notice of the words you speak (how they are trustworthy and provide safety) … paying attention to Your tone and manner of speaking … and, checking to see if what I hear lines up with what I know about You.  In the process, I must rely on the Holy Spirit to help me understand Your words.  He facilitates communication between us by bearing witness to my spirit regarding matters in my life.  I must trust the “small voice” within me that manifests itself as the Holy Spirit bears witness to my spirit.  I should wait until I have Your peace and “know that I know” it is You speaking. 

Help me want to hear what You have to say.  This requires me to earnestly seek You with all my heart.  I must be willing to allow my thinking to be conformed to Yours.  When I can do that, it will become easier to distinguish when You speak to me.  In order to grasp Your plans, thoughts and intents, I must practice patience and endurance.  A willing mind that submits to You is more receptive to hearing what You say.  As I begin to give up my rights, allow myself to be conformed to Your ways and develop a servant’s heart, I will understand Your instructions better.  Help me resist a hard heart that precludes my hearing Your voice.  I must root out anything that separates me from You.  To do so, I must believe that You care about me and want an intimate relationship with me.  As I pursue Your will, I am convinced that I will be changed and conformed to it.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Revelation 3:20 I stand at the door and knock!  If anyone hears my voice and opens it, I will come in …

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