My Dependable Lord, life without You is senseless. All of life’s work – acquiring and maintaining a home, developing a career, and raising a family – must have You as its foundation. You said it very well in the Psalms when You said “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.” A life without You can never be complete without You in it. And without You, it crumbles from within due to the evil and corruption found in the world. If I leave You out of my life, all of my accomplishments will amount to nothing. Alternatively, If I make You my highest priority and let You guide my path, I know everything will work out for the best in the end. Hard work honors You, but submission to You and obeying Your commands honor You more. The values outlined in Your Word have been given to show me where I need to apply myself the most.
I humbly bow down before You because of the everlasting love You have for me. Whenever I call out to You, You are faithful to answer me and provide me with the strength I need to overcome anything that may await me. I believe that You watch over me seeing my afflictions and preserving me from harm. You stretch forth Your hand and withhold the onslaughts of my enemies. While I have my own dreams and plans for the future, I must not neglect including You as a part of them. I must trust that You alone know what is best for me and what is required to fulfill that purpose You have for my life. When the storms of life bear down on me, I pray that You will call me to walk with You on the water like You did to Peter and my faith will be strong enough to allow me to do as You command. No matter how bad my situation becomes, I must remember that You never ask me to do more than I am able.
Many times I do not let people get to know me because I am afraid they will not like what they discover about me. But You know everything about me – even the number of hairs on my head. I rejoice in the fact that no matter how much You know about me You accept me and love me. It is consoling to know that I am never alone and You walk with me through every situation and trial I go through. Each day I count on Your unconditional love, protection, and guidance to get me through. The good news to those of us who know and love You is that we are never far from Your comforting presence. I must never think myself to be “junk” because Your character and image have been imprinted on my soul and I have the Holy Spirit to help me become the person You want me to be. My life becomes so much better as I lay it down before You believing it is for the better. And it’s in Jesus name I pray. AMEN!!
Psalm 130:5 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His Word I place my hope.