Most Beloved Savior, it is so easy to become lost in a world filled with so much callousness, “me”, drugs, conflict, and danger. I feel myself unsure in the way I am to proceed … left or right … stay or run … etc. My consolation is that no matter how strong the winds of conflict blow or how turbulent the waters of adversity beat upon me, I will keep my hold on You my Rock in times to trouble. When darkness comes to encircle me, it is Your light that shows me my way out. When I am depressed and discouraged, Your encouragement lifts me above my circumstances. The hope I have for the future is solely built upon my relationship with You because everything I hear seems to bear an air of hopelessness. When I struggle with decisions, the only true friend I turn to is You because You see and know all things. When my faith wains, I remember Your words that tell me to have faith in God and give no place to worry and fear.
Teach me Your ways and lead me in the way I should go because life is so hard to deal with. Being humble (realizing I do not have all the answers) and willing to follow Your lead are the keys to overcoming stress and concerns. My dilemma is that I find myself being bombarded with relentless appeals to go in various directions. When I find myself being pulled every which way, I must remember that humility and obedience will get me the best results. What I have come to recognize, when I encounter difficulties, is that I need both Your guidance and a map … landmarks along the way would be helpful also. You gave me the Bible as my map and the Holy Spirit as my guide. I am confident that from the day I was born until the day I die You will have me in Your grip. Because You have a vested interest in my life, You want me to walk uprightly and will show me the direction that is best for my life.
I think the first step in receiving Your guidance is wanting to be guided. Without such a desire, I will always be pulling against You trying to guide me in the right direction. Second is realizing and accepting that Your Word is true and was given to me to be my primary guidance system that reveals Your endless knowledge on how to live a righteous life. And third, I must be willing to obey Your commands. You are not limited by any geographic location like me. You always see things from above and know the best way for me to get from point A to point B. I must never forget that You know everything that could come up in my life and want to share with me the best ways to deal with them. It is okay for You to lead me in ways I have not known, along unfamiliar paths. Turn my darkness into light and make my rough places smooth. You are the light that removes the darkness. And its in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
James 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from (Your) wisdom.