Learning to Rely on You

My heart rejoices in You, O Lord, for You have guided me out of the storms in my life and brought me into the safe harbor of Your love.  My boast is in You, for You are my sure and steady foundation.  There is no one holy like You who I can trust.  There is no other Rock or place of refuge to whom I can turn in times of trouble or need.  My soul magnifies Your Name because You are my Deliverer … the One who set me free from sin and death.  I am so blessed that, in my humble estate, You care so much for me and are willing to do so much more than I can ask.  I will never forget the mercy You have shown me nor the grace that has brought an abundance of good things into my life.  I rejoice in the fact that You gave me life and the opportunity to know, love and serve You.  Just knowing that I am Yours fills my heart with joy and gives me the confidence to believe that any circumstance or evil designed to do me harm will never prevail against me.

It is with much shame and sorrow that I find myself repeatedly coming before You to confess the same sins again and again.  I know that if I put forth the effort, “we” can overcome these flaws in my character.  If I open myself to the leading of the Holy Spirit, He will guide me into all truth and show me how to stand against the temptations of the Devil.  Help me see the evil in my life … fill me with disdain toward it … and, develop within me a desire to never give it a place in my life again.  Because I know You will never ask me to undertake anything Your grace cannot help me achieve, I see things as accomplished in my heart before I ever see them done with my eyes.  As I make a place for You in my life, there is no place for the Devil or his schemes to reside.  Help me keep my focus on You … and, allow the Holy Spirit to guide me so that I will be able to do what You want me to do with my life.

My heart is filled with joy from the knowledge that it was You who first loved me and gave Yourself for me.  The blessings You send my way constantly remind me of Your undying love and concern for my well-being.  I never want to stop counting my blessings or being thankful for them.  When I think about how much You have done for me and how little You ask in return, I am very humbled.  I want to learn to trust You more so I can rest comfortably in the assurance that once I put a problem in Your hands, it’s handled.  I want to rest in the knowledge that You are my constant companion and I never have to face anything alone.  I want to become confident that any difficulty I face is not too big for “us” to handle.  I want to walk in the freedom of knowing that, if I rely on You, mercy and goodness will follow me wherever I go.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

II Chronicles 16:8  Yet when you relied on the Lord, He delivered your enemies into your hands.

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