My Precious Lord, light exists wherever You dwell. Light is a reminder of Your presence in Your creation. In the same way that the sun faithfully comes up each day and showers the earth with sunlight, so are You faithful to shine light into the darkness that surrounds me. It is Your light that searches out the dark crevices of my inner man to uncover the things that offend You. You have wrapped Yourself in light like a garment in order to show me Your purity, honesty, holiness and unconditional love. I too want to be clothed in Your light so I can be transparent to You and myself. I have come to realize that where darkness exists, You are not present and all types of evil and sin lay in wait to attack an unsuspecting victim. It is for this reason that I long to put aside the deeds of darkness in order to walk in Your light.
I rejoice in the fact that You came into the world as a light and, if I follow You, I will never walk in darkness. Your commands are a lamp teaching me, correcting me and showing me the way to a better life. Help me put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of Your light. As Your light pierces my darkness, it provides a way to a better life and the ability to live my life like You did … as an overcomer. I rejoice in the fact that Your light makes all things visible so they can be dealt with. I accept Your call out of darkness and Your challenge to walk in the light. Because Your light helps me stay aware of the harmful things that lurks all around me, I am able to deal with them and fear has no hold on me. As a result of living in the light, joy and hope permeate my life. As a joint heir with the Risen King, I am qualified to share in Your Kingdom of Light.
Your Word declares that You are the Light of the World. Your presence shines out to all of those who will receive it. Many marvel at the light cast off by the sun, moon and stars, but Your glory shines brighter to those who worship and adore You. As I learn to live like You, I too will glow with Your light and show others the majesty of my God. The way that I allow Your light to shine before men is … by doing good … becoming a good listener … acting kindly … not judging … and, loving unconditionally. With the knowledge You impart, I am able to make wise decisions that improve my life. No longer will I succumb to worry and fear whose dark shadows try to envelop and ultimately imprison me. In Your liberating light, I’ve been set free from all of the encumbrances of my enemy. You are the source of light that guides my life and I will follow it wherever it leads. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 1:9 The true light that gives light to every man has come into the world.