Light Shined Into The Darkness

My Brilliant Light, Your Word tells me that in the beginning the earth was without form, empty and darkness covered everything.  This is how I feel sometimes with all the things going on in the world.  Only in the voids where You have been excluded, does darkness exist.  With much forethought, on the first day of creation the first thing that came about was light and that light had preeminence over all the things that followed.  Plants needed it to live and grow; men needed it for warmth; and, all living things needed it to see clearly.  Why was light important to me?  It is because in the dark, good and evil look alike … but, in the light it can be clearly distinguished.  Light represents all that is good, pure, holy, true and reliable … that is You.  Darkness represents what is sinful and evil … that is the Devil.  You are perfectly holy and true and You are the One who can lead me out of the darkness of my sins.

Your light is truth and exposes whatever it shines upon as good or evil.  If I do not live in accordance with Your will and ways, my deeds will be exposed and I will be judged accordingly.  Your light is unchanging and not at all like the drifting shadows of darkness that try to escape being exposed.  Through Your light, I receive revelation, understanding and knowledge which, in turn, provide me with protection, illumination and the guidance I need to live by.  Your light permeates my whole being and purges sin from it.  It exercises great influence over my mind and leads me into a closer relationship with You.  Your Word tells me that You are the light and no darkness can be found in You.  That is the desire of my heart.  The fruits of darkness are the pleasures and activities that result in sin.  Your light shining into my life leads me into loving You more and my neighbor as myself.                                    

You are a Lamp that shines perpetually in my life showing me a better way.  In You is found life and that life has become my ray of hope and promise for tomorrow.  Your light shined into the darkness and the darkness did not understand … but, I do.  You are my revelation of the Eternal God … a living picture of His majesty.  The term used to describe you is “true light” and that is exactly who You are.  You’ve given me truth upon which to build a solid foundation for my life; You’ve opened my eyes to see my sins so I can address them; You’ve given me love to feel valued and cared for; You’ve given me the hope and confidence I need to overcome whatever I face.  In the brightness of Your light, I’m able to see the path I’m to take in achieving my mission.  You are my light and I know I must follow You as closely as I can so darkness does not overtake me.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

I Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may desire to praise Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.

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