Living A Christian Life

Companion on my Journey of Faith, I watch chameleons change their coloring from green to brown and vice versa. They change to match their surroundings which helps them in their survival. It is natural for them to fit in and adapt to the environment in which they live. But followers of Yours are “new creations”, born from above and changed from within, with lifestyles that confront the world and clash with its corrupt morals. True believers do not blend in very well. I am surrounded by corruption and every conceivable sin and pressure to adapt. I know I am free in You, but how do I walk in that freedom? In so many ways, sin comes into my life to trip me up. I have many questions on where I should go. Thank goodness you thought ahead and have answers for me … Your Word and the Holy Spirit. Through them the things of God are made known to those who seek earnestly.

Human loyalty to human leaders or human wisdom must never cause me to become someone used of the Devil to create divisiveness in Your body. I must be willing to care for my brothers and sisters, not fight with them. My allegiance must always be to You and I should let You lead my actions. I must never partner with sinful ideas and practices. I can never blend in with the people around me … instead, I must be someone who shines light into the darkness. I must live up to Your standards of morality and not condone sinful behavior … even if it’s accepted by society. I can be free in You but not be inconsiderate and insensitive to others. I must never encourage others to accept what You call sin. Fear of what others will think should never stop me from doing what is right. I must always let love and the Holy Spirit guide me in how to deal with circumstances or people I face.

In considering those around me, my worship must be done properly and in an orderly manner. In fact, everything I do should be done in a way worthy of Your high position. Everything I do must be in harmony with Your body and edifying to others. Since I will be raised again after this life, nothing that I do for You in my life is useless or in vain. I must remain faithful to You in all my ways and my service. Each time I encounter a problem I should analyze it thoroughly to uncover the underlying issues and begin applying biblical principles to determine what route of action I should take. I learn to live with my problems by observing how the writers in the Bible dealt with theirs. In order to lead a victorious life, I must confront the sins in my life and seek You on how to go about eliminating them. And its in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!

I Corinthians 1:7-8 You do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of His return.

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