Most Loving Lord, Your Word teaches me that You paid the price I owed for my sins and have reconciled me to Yourself. Through Your life, I’ve been given a pattern for my living and, through the work of the Holy Spirit, I’ve been filled with the power to overcome. When I learn what You are like, I’ll be able to see what You want me to become. Because I call You Lord, I’ve made You the Ruler of my life. With You as the Head and me as the Body (the church), it is vital for me to stay connected to You. Since You have taken the steps to insure my destiny, the things of Heaven should fill my mind and life. The lusts and pleasures of the world should not be allowed to draw me away from You. Truth, love and peace should become integral parts of my life. My love for You must translate into a love for others. I can never let myself become selfish with the things You’ve taught me and, instead, share them with others.
You are everything I need for my salvation and leading a Christian life. Therefore, it is imperative that I keep my communication lines open with You. Daily prayer should help me fill that need. To make You My Lord means that I regard our relationship as vital and make Your desires my highest priority. In order to put You on the throne in my life, I must welcome and accept Your leadership in everything I think and do. I can consider no loyalty more important than my loyalty to You. As I become one with You, I find myself connecting more to Your Body (the church). I must relinquish my ideas and the philosophies of the world and assimilate Your teachings. You are my source of hope and wisdom. When I see no way out, I can count on You to show me the way. When I am confused and have no answers, I know I can count on Your wisdom.
Before I came to know You, I was confused and lost. I had no direction or purpose. Finding You has brought meaning, joy and peace into my life. Finding my way through the fog has allowed me to walk with more confidence and conviction. I have come to understand that it’s not necessarily what I know that’s the most important, but who I know. Knowing You shows me everything I need to know about the Triune God. In all that You’ve done for me, I’ve been freed to live for You and give to others. When I read Your Word or listen to the small, sweet voice inside of me, I am moved to change. Your Word was not given to me just for information … it was given to help in my transformation. Becoming a follower requires real change, not just turning over a new leaf or determining to do right. No longer do I want to live for myself, but to live worthy of You. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Colossians 1:9-10 And we pray that you will be filled with the knowledge of His will through spiritual wisdom and understanding so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way.