Living Each Day

Most Precious Lord, I know that it is You who works in me to both will and do Your good pleasure.  To be about Your work means I have to fight through the distractions and daily skirmishes that distract me from carrying out Your mission for my life.  Living each day means living it in the present and saying “no” to the dark and fearful thoughts meant to stifle my efforts to move my life in the right direction.  You are the force who keeps me on track and focused on the right things.  Each night as I go to sleep, I want to begin turning my burdens over to You … believing You have the know how to deal with them … and, ultimately finding rest in Your arms.  I do not want to carry around the pains of disappointments and failures of the past.  I ask that You create in me the will, perseverance and strength to overcome my obstacles.  I have made a conscious decision to put myself in Your hands so You can guide and direct me.

I no longer allow worry and fear to dominate my life because of what happened to me in the past  or what might happen to me in the future.  I want to believe that Your desire is to care for me today, tomorrow and every day.  I need help in shielding myself from the effects of discouragement or, at least, providing me with the strength to resist it.  Help me put aside anxious thoughts and vain imaginations that deprive me of experiencing Your peace.  I do not want to spoil my day living in anxiety because today is all that You’ve given me.  The past is over and the future is pure speculation.  Most of the things I worry about never happen so why do they get so much attention and consume so much of my energy?  If I believe that You have a plan for my life, why am I fearful?  Because for every obstacle that manifests itself in my life, You seemingly have an inexhaustible supply of ways around them.

I know that in order to keep my life on track, I must focus on things that are honorable, just, pure, pleasing and commendable.  If there is any valid proof of what is valuable, I should find it in these things.  And, when I do, I will be able to discern the important things with which I must deal and the works for Your Kingdom I should embark upon.  As I make my stand with You, worry has no place in my life … because you are the One who is faithful and true.  If I do the things You ask of me, I do not think there will be much of a chance for doubt and worry to creep in.  I am encouraged by the fact that I have come a long way and learned a lot.  I know that my future struggles are likely to be more difficult, but what I’ve learned and the foundation upon which I’ve built my life will allow me to stand firm.  In Your love, I know I’ll be able to live each day one at a time.  And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray.  AMEN!!

Matthew 6:34 Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own.

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