O Noble and Glorious Prince of Peace, how I long for the serenity that can only be found in You. It produces a quiet rest that is born out of a true relationship with You … trust in all You say and do … and, clarity regarding Your role in my life and my purpose on earth. Its fruit is peace, safety, composure, rest and purpose. It begins with a deeper and more complete knowledge of You as My Father, Savior and Counselor. As I learn to live in peace with You and others, my life will become more peaceful and complete. My love for You and Your commands allows me to accept what You want for my life and see Your faithfulness in honoring Your promises. When I come to You with my burdens, I know that You will take them upon Yourself and replace them with ones that are easy and light. As I praise You, do good and share my blessings with others, You will be pleased with my service and will infuse me with a feeling of well-being. I am learning that my trials and difficulties are tools used to teach me “life lessons” and improve my life. As a result of Your work in me, I am being filled with peace and rest.
The fruit of a blessed and serene life can be found in many ways. It is important for me to recognize Your peace and serenity are gifts which You give to keep me from becoming troubled and afraid. As I rest in Your strength, mine is renewed. If I am able to keep my composure and wait patiently, I know that You will stand with me and will join me in fighting my battles. As I strive to do good, give comfort to others and live in harmony with all, I trust You will build a hedge of protection around me. In my daily walk with You, I’ve come to understand that You are not a God of confusion, but one of peace. As I trust You more, I will dwell in safety … as I delight in Your laws, I will be given the desires of my heart … and, as I believe in Your words, I will see them fulfilled in my life. I trust Your promise to never allow me to be tempted beyond what I can stand and, when I am tempted, You will provide a way to escape it.
To live in Your serenity is to allow peace to rule in my heart. I am able to do that when I make a decision to believe what You say … rely on You being faithful in completing what You’ve started in me … and, by following You unquestioningly. As I learn to rest in Your peace, my walk will become easier, calmness will control my emotions and I will not waver when forced to make difficult decisions. When I can go out with joy, peace is my partner … fear will have no place in my life … and, courage will well up in me whenever I face troubles and difficulties. Without Your peace, it’s impossible to sense You at work in my life. Help me live in Your serenity so that I can more clearly see Your will for me and participate with You in achieving the goals You have set for my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Isaiah 32:17 The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever.