Most Righteous Lord, how comforting it would be to hear “not guilty; you are free to go” if I was on trial for murder. Reality is that the whole human race is on death row for breaking Your commandments. Without You there would be no hope for my future. Thankfully, I have been declared not guilty, have been freed from the power of sin and have been given the power to do Your will. The Holy Spirit is Your gift to me to navigate a path of righteous living as I move forward. He is often called the “Spirit of Life.” He gets that name because He is the force of new life in every new Christian’s birth and is the one who supplies the power I need to live like You. He is the one who makes Your sacrifice real in my life. He helps me understand that You were the human sacrifice to replace the blood sacrifice of animals offered in the temple by Your people. Blood has always been the price paid so sins can be forgiven.
Basically, people can be split into two groups … those who let themselves be controlled by their sinful nature and those who follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. I would be in the first category if You had not offered me a way out. Once I said “yes” to You and my heart’s desire was to follow You, I found my way to peace and rest. Daily I must choose to center my life on You and willingly submit myself to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. I should use the Bible to discover Your requirements for my life and seek the help of the Holy Spirit to implement them. When the Holy Spirit points out my way to go … I must do it eagerly. Sometimes the Devil questions whether I am a real Christian. I believe a real Christian is anyone who sincerely asked You into their heart and has the Holy Spirit living in them. When I sincerely trusted You for my salvation and acknowledged You as my Lord, the Holy Sirit took up residence in me.
I may never know if the Holy Spirit has come into my life if I wait for a certain feeling. I will know He has come to dwell in me because You promised He would. When the Holy Spirit is working in me, it is easy to believe the You are God’s Son, that I receive eternal life through You and I will be able to do as You direct. He will help me resolve my problems and help me pray when I cannot find the right words to express myself. I am counting on the power He will supply to help me serve You and do Your will. I am seeking His guidance in how to become a part of Your plan to build up the church. I know that Your Spirit will always be there to comfort and guide me. I believe that if I pray as I’m instructed by the Holy Spirit You will answer my prayers. As living in the Spirit becomes a natural part of my life, I know my ways will be in step with what You expect of me. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of Life has set me free from the law of sin and death.