Most Miraculous Lord, You spoke and the galaxies were formed, stars burned in the heavens and planets began orbiting their sun. In creating them, Your awesome and unlimited power was unleashed for all of man to see. You spoke again, and the water and land were filled with plants and creatures moving and growing and reproducing. Life pulsated throughout all the earth because of You. And, still again, You spoke and man and woman were formed. They could think, talk and express emotions in order to commune with You. Eternal, infinite and unlimited were You who was and is and will always be. You are the Maker and Lord of all things and You came in the flesh. The mighty Creator came to live with His creation. You could have stayed in Your high estate, but Love motivated You to come to rescue those who were lost and give everlasting life to those who were dead in sin.
The Apostle John calls You “the Word” and describes You thusly, “In the beginning was the Word … and the Word was with God … and the Word was God.” Those words made it clear to me that You were not merely a man … You are the Son of God. You brought with You a light that would shine into the world so we could see who You are and escape the darkness. How blind and foolish people must be to think You are no more than a good man of moral character. I sometimes forget myself who You are when I go about doing things my way and forgetting how much You have done for me. The Scriptures describe some who worshipped You, others who were confused about who You were, some who shied away not wanting to be identified with You and some whose hearts were hard and cold toward You. I see some of the same people in the world today. I am so glad my response has been to love and serve You.
Your identity is revealed in the many names that men have given to You … the Word, the One and Only, the Lamb of God, King of Kings and Son of the Father. Each one affirms who You are and why You should be praised. You described Yourself as … the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the Gate, the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection and the Life, the Way and the Truth and the Life and the True Vine. None of these names individually describe who You are, but collectively they describe and reveal the real You. As I have read the Scriptures, I have gained a personal and clearer picture of just who You are. I have learned the vastness of Your love, the depth of Your compassions, Your awesome power, Your long-suffering patience and perseverance with me and Your unfathomable ability to forgive. Meeting and knowing You has been the most profound event in my life. And it’s in Jesus’ name I pray. AMEN!!
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.